I, the undersigned, as the parent or guardian of {name} do hereby agree to abide by all rules and regulations by the Niceville Wrestling Academy and give approval for my child’s participation in all activities during the regular wrestling season and extended season. I understand that injuries may occur from participating in practices, tournaments, and transportation to and from these activities, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless; AAU wrestling, USA Wrestling to include all of their staff, volunteers, or members; Niceville Wrestling Academy, Coaches, Team Moms, parent volunteers, organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, or persons associated with or to the Niceville Wrestling Academy for practice, during practice, before practice, after practice, tournaments, or transporting my child to any and all activities associated with the Niceville Wrestling Academy to include all mentioned above.
*****NWA is a individualized Wrestling Academy with no high school affiliation*****
{contact_relation} {sign_date}